Monday, October 24, 2011

The Robbins' Nest: Now with Pictures!

I know it may seem, at times, that I have lost interest in blogging due to the length of time between posts, but rest assured, I do plan on sticking with it, and creating the longest run-on sentences I possibly can. I suppose the reason for the lack of posts over the last couple of months is because... well... not much has happened.

Jun is still pregnant (thankfully), but there's not much more on that front to report. She is slowly but surely feeling better and her "evening" sickness is now only occurring once every 3 or 4 days. I'd say she's almost into the "feel good" period of being pregnant. Her appetite has returned lately and she's been able to eat three good meals a day. Actually, as of this morning she has gained a net total of 1 pound! (After having lost about 5 in the first trimester.) She's still frustrated that no one can tell that she's pregnant just by looking at her. I mean, I can tell, but I see her quite a bit more than most people do and I hear her complain that her pants are starting to fit snug. You can definitely feel a hard spot under her belly button, so it's growing, just not showing yet.

For reference, here's some pictures we've taken to show her progress:

(Note: All "week" calculations are actual baby age [weeks since conception]. Add approximately 2 weeks to convert to the "conventional" way of counting weeks [weeks since last period]. I will be using the actual baby age from here on out to avoid confusion.)

11 Weeks:

15 Weeks:

Not much of a change, right?

As of today, she's somewhere around 16/17 weeks, so she'll be due to take another progress picture in about 2 weeks.

Jun had another doctor's appointment last Thursday, but since they didn't give her a sonogram, there isn't much to say about it. Puff had a heartbeat of 149, which is still good and strong and Jun and Puff are still doing great. According to Dr. Internet, Puff is now around 5 inches long which is approximately the size of a large avocado. She has another doctor's appointment on November 10th which is going to be the appointment where we are able to determine gender (hopefully... if Puff isn't too shy). We're really looking forward to it.

In other baby-related news, we made our first nursery purchase. Jun noticed that Babies 'R' Us was having a sale on a set of baby furniture that we really liked so we went ahead and ordered it. It came in to the store last week and we brought it home to get it set up. I'd like to send out a thank you to our good friends Mandy and Jeromy who were nice enough to help us move the incredibly bulky boxes to our house from the store. A special thanks to Jeromy, who's strength and masculinity are beyond reproach (no homo), who risked muscle tears, spinal dislocations and/or tendon and ligament injury to help me lug the ridiculously heavy boxes inside. We wouldn't have been able to get it done without you guys (and your pickup).

Here's a couple of pictures of the assembly process and the finished products.

This is the box the crib came in. It was as heavy and unwieldy as it appears. In this picture I'm trying to wedge a box cutter into the joint to cut the box open without somehow opening my femoral artery instead.

All the crib parts laid out.

Assembly. I've got my tongue sticking out and my mouth held just the right way, which is just the way my dad taught me how to get work done. Jun, who refused to have her picture taken that evening, was dressed the way my dad taught me to dress to get work done... in teal sweatpants and a bright orange shirt. :)

...and completed!

Having some furniture in Puff's room makes it seem a little more real and exciting, but just sheer amount of stuff we have to buy is a little overwhelming. Looking forward to getting started though!

I know I promised a video from the last ultrasound Jun had, but the video the ultrasound tech gave to Jun at her last appointment was in some strange format and I've got to get around to converting it correctly and uploading it to YouTube. Hopefully I'll have it up in the future.

Until next time!

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