Tuesday, December 6, 2011

It was the best of times....

...and hopefully the worst of times are behind us.

For those of you that don't know yet, we are having a...

That's right, it's a boy. During our appointment a month ago, little Puff was not very shy and made sure we knew which gender he was. So I guess from now on we'll be referring to Puff as a "he".

That was over a month ago, so let me get everyone caught up to what's been going on. As of tomorrow, Jun is now 23 weeks along and feeling great. The sickness is now pretty much behind her and she has a very healthy appetite. Her stomach is growing little by little, but it's definitely not big enough to be cumbersome. She gets around really well and isn't having any health problems or swollen joints. It's a good time to be pregnant!

A few weeks ago we had to begin buying Jun maternity clothes due to her ever-expanding waistline and based on her reaction, she may never go back to normal clothes. All I hear is that they are "sooooooo comfy!"

For Thanksgiving, Jun and I set out from Fort Worth early on Thursday morning to go back to Oklahoma and see my family. It's nice leaving at like 4:30 because there's little to no traffic, and we managed to make good time. That day for lunch we ate at my grandma's house. We had a great time seeing a lot of family and eating a delicious lunch. That night we finally let my family know that we are having a boy. Everyone seemed really excited.

Late Thursday/Early Friday was Black Friday, and once again I got waist deep in the madness and went into each store swinging elbows. The stores opened super-early this year and it led to much frustration in the planning and execution of our shopping trip. We hit the major retailers like Best Buy and Wal-Mart, but it wasn't as successful of a trip as we had had in the past. I think it may be the last time I participate, especially with a baby to take care of next year. Good luck to those of you that go next year!

On Saturday we had our family Thanksgiving dinner. Dad fried a "cajun-style" turkey and we all ate more food than we thought possible. That evening, Jun and I had to leave to head back to Texas, as I was flying to L.A. on Sunday and we wanted to spend some time together before I left for a week. It was sad to have to leave everyone so early, but it was nice to get back home again as well.

After a week on the road, I made it back home on Friday to go with Jun to her follow-up appointment with the Perinatologist. My mom and dad were also able to be in attendance, which was very nice of them. This appointment went very well. The doctor was able to find the small "mass" again, but it didn't grow from the last appointment which was very encouraging to the doctor. In her opinion, it wasn't really a mass at all, but probably a "pronounced" gallbladder or perhaps a dilated liver tube (whatever that means). She said she wouldn't have caught it if she didn't know what she was looking for and that everything else indicated a perfectly healthy baby boy. We were of course very relieved to hear the news. We'll still see the specialist every month, but we were assured that everything was moving along great. Puff was sort of curled up in a ball during the visit, so we weren't able to get a good length measurement, but we did find out he weighs about 1 lb, 2 oz now, which is apparently right where he should be.

Another fun thing; I was finally able to feel Puff kick the other day. I laid my head where Jun said he had been moving, and after a little bit of patients, I was able to feel him kick me right in the ear! Pretty special.

We had another appointment with Jun's regular OB doctor today, and while we didn't get a new ultrasound, we were still able to hear his strong heartbeat, which is always reassuring. Jun was given a sugary-drink to take home with her which she will be drinking prior to her next appointment where they will be checking her sugar levels to detect gestational diabetes. The whole day of the test she's not allowed to eat anything with sugars or carbs so that the test won't be screwed up. Hope everything goes well then too.

I'll leave you with one of the pics from the specialist ultrasound. It may be hard to make out, but we caught puff sucking on his fingers and the doctor snapped a picture.

Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. Probably a mom-thing but I could see Puff sucking on his fingers before you even pointed it out! Cute! I can tell that you guys are excited and are going to be awesome parents!
