Friday, September 26, 2014

Another Dr. Visit, Another Ultrasound, Another Issue?

If you read back through my posts for Jun's pregnancy with Casen, you will come across a post where Jun had gone in for an ultrasound and everything was going good until they found some kind of unidentifiable mass in his abdomen.  It turned out to be nothing, but still scary none-the-less.  (Off topic, but how strange is that little phrase "none-the-less"?  No one talks like that anymore, so why is it still in our vernacular?)

Well, once again we find ourselves at an ultrasound appointment, where we get one of these little surprises that our little girl has some fluid in her kidneys.  This could mean that the baby has a condition called pyelectasis or hydronephrosis, which basically means that urine is not flowing to the bladder like it should be.  Not good stuff.  Usually, these things tend to clear up on their own, but this would mean that we need to come back soon and have another ultrasound soon to make sure everything is OK.  It helps that our doctor didn't act like this was a HUGE concern.

Great.  I mean, this isn't as bad as the "mass" scare from last time, but still, you never like hearing that something may be amiss with your child.

The good news is that our baby has continued to grow on schedule, which means that our early estimate of a conception date was off by about a week, which we thought might be the case.  So much for being know-it all parents!  This is a huge relief though.  Now let's get this other issue out of the way!

Our ultrasound tech was also able to confirm that we are having a girl, which matches with our blood work that we had done a few weeks ago.  Science! Yeah!

Now to figure out just how I'm going to handle a baby girl!  To say I'm a little freaked out would be an understatement.

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