Friday, August 19, 2011

Don't Scare Us Like That!

Yesterday was probably the most nervewracking thus far. Pregnancy has not been a cakewalk for Jun; she's had terrible nausea and morning sickness for the last two weeks and just has generally not felt all that well, but it's never been anything to be concerned about. However, yesterday morning Jun got up for work and started getting ready and noticed a "personal" issue that warranted concern. She woke me up and told me what happened and we both got worried that a miscarriage was threatening. We immediately called the doctor who told us to be in her office first thing when it opened.

The doctor's office opened at 8:30 so I drove in to Jun's office to pick her up and we drove (in near silence) to the doctor. We arrived on time, but due to not having a "real" appointment, it was almost 10:00 before we finally got called out of the waiting room to get a sonogram. Once the sonogram got underway we were extremely relieved to see this:


We were also able to hear his heartbeat which was actually a stronger 118. Not quite to the 120-160 range, but getting close.

Just also received the results of her bloodwork she had done two days before which said her progesterone levels were normal so she wouldn't have to go on progesterone supplements. (We also found out she did NOT have HIV or Hepatitis. What a relief!) Just to be on the safe side, the nurse took her blood again to make sure her progesterone levels didn't fall, so poor Jun had to be stuck with a needle again by the same nurse who gave her the big bruise on her other arm, so now she has a matching set! (Note: Got the new bloodwork back this morning and progesterone levels are still normal.)

We also got to talk to an actual doctor during this visit, who said Puff appeared to be doing fine and that all of Jun's "problems" from earlier in the day had no impact on the baby's health. She did prescribe bedrest to Jun, however, so Jun has to take it easy for the next few days.

We also talked to a nurse who did her best to scare us by informing us on all the terrible diseases and genetic malformations that they can now be tested for while the baby is still in the womb such as Downs Syndrome or Cystic Fibrosis. We also got to watch 3 videos about saving umbilical cord blood (which contain stem cells) which were pretty interesting.

All in all, it was an emotional day which ended on a happy note... but don't ever scare us like that again, Puff!

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