Sunday, August 7, 2011

On Food: Aversions, Cravings, Spicy and Sweet

Today is the last day of week 6 and tomorrow will start the first day of week 7. I've heard that pregnancy seems like it goes by quickly, but for me it seems to be crawling by. I think it's because we are anxious for Jun's first doctor's appointment in a little over a week. At that appointment we'll finally get a chance to ask our pressing questions, get some information and finally get a sonogram which will show us both that Puff really is in there.

Another reason time is moving along slowly is the fact that we can't tell anyone our good news yet. To all who are reading this a few months on down the road, we're sorry we didn't tell you sooner, but we really wanted to! Hopefully in a few weeks more of our friends and family will know. The plan right now is to tell our family (outside of our parents who knew on day one) over Labor Day weekend and begin telling our friends after that. That's still about 4 weeks away, however, so I hope we can keep the cat in the bag that long!

As the title of this blog entry suggests, Jun has started having her first sensitivities to food. Food "aversion" and "craving" are still probably too strong of works, but there are definitely sensitivities. Her first aversion was to sweet foods. Anything overly sugary or rich. It's not constant, and every once in a while she actually does want a sweet treat, but for the most part even the smell of sweets or baked goods tends to make her nauseous.

Her first real craving has been spicy food. Pretty much anything with salsa or tabasco sauce has been high on her list. She's a girl that enjoys a little spicy food every so often, but lately we've just been leaving the tabasco sauce bottle on the table just incase whatever food she has in front of her needs a little "kick."

Other than that, Jun's pregnancy symptoms are rather mild. She has gotten sick or nauseous only a few times after meals, but usually feels quite a bit better after. Everything else is going great, though.

Hard to believe a 1/4" baby is causing all these problems.

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